28th - 30th September 2025  |  NEC, Birmingham
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Biggest-ever PATS 2024 attracts over 340 exhibitors
Hundreds of pet companies have confirmed there is only one place to be this Autumn…and that’s exhibiting at PATS 2024. The showpiece event, taking place over three days from Sunday, 29th September to …
Bosco and Roxy's Announces UK Expansion
Canadian Dog Cookie Company Announces UK Expansion - Exclusively at PATS 2024!
Biggest-ever PATS Telford ends on a high
Quality and quantity were the themes of the bumper PATS Telford 2023 show, with exhibitors and visitors alike commenting on the amount of great business being done across the two days.
3 Results

    We are thrilled with the incredible response from our very first exhibition at PATS! The three days were absolutely brilliant, giving us the opportunity to connect with many new and existing customers. PATS proved to be the perfect platform for launching our new catalogue and introducing over 350 brand-new SKUs. We can't wait to be a part of next year's event at the NEC!

    Tom Gwilliam
    Sales & Marketing Director |  HugglePets

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